Q & As
61 - 75 out of 135 |
Management |
I've passed B.Sc.& want to do M.B.A.I took CAT 07 but could not make it to the good colleges. so i am preparing for this year's CAT exam. please suggest me some course that help me in my MBA. and i should join course regulerly or through distance education.
The two most important inputs for success in CAT 2008 would be better and more thorough preparation and practice for CAT and work experience after your graduation. You could pursue a post graduate diploma course in a field of management, which would add to your knowledge base but may not necessarily impress the business school.
By: Ms. Jayanti Ghosh |
im doing job in admin.level for last 4 yrs.n now im doing certificate course in MBA (HR) from AIMA.can you plz suggest me wat will I do to enhance my carrer or which line i have to choose.
With a four year experience and a certificate course in MBA(HR), you may continue in your pursuit for a better job in the more established companies. Simultaneously, you may also enroll for full fledged MBA course to enhance the value of your degree.
By: Ms. Dr. Reena kumari |
I have done BCA from ignou in DEC 2006, and i am not in interested in MCA, i want to do MBA but i want to do it as a correspondence course because i am in a job working as a computer operator and and customer care executive.i dont have no idea to select best university offering MBA correspondence courese in delhi. can u guide to select best university and which course have the best scope in future (admin,retail, marketing etc)i dont want to do IT in MBA.
Some of the institutes of management in Offering distance education courses with study centre's or exam centre as Delhi are listed below: . All India Management Association - New Delhi . Amity School of Distance Learning, Amity University, New Delhi . NIILM University, New Delhi . Delhi Institute of Management & Services, New Delhi . Delhi School of e-Learning, New Delhi . Jagan Institute of Management Studies, Directorate of Distance Learning, Delhi . Jagannath International Management School, New Delhi . Jamia Hamdard, Directorate of Open & Distance Learning, New Delhi . Maharishi University of Management & Technology, Delhi . Modern Institute of Management, New Delhi . Indian Institute of Finance, Delhi . Indian Institute of Technology, Management & Health Sciences, New Delhi . Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi . Rai University, New Delhi . Indian School of Business (ISB) . Institute of management and technology (IMT) . Management Development Institute, Gurgaon . . Kurukshetra University, Kurushetra While every institute has its own merits and demerits, Kurushetra University, Amity University and IGNOU have established credentials though many of the new management institutes have also delivered good results in terms of placement records in the recent years.
By: Ms. Dr. Reena kumari |
respected sir i ve done B.Tech. ( E&C ) in the year 2006. i d taken admission in MBA course and due to some family problems i d left that now i m married with a two year gap after my engineering. sir pla suggest me whether i should go for M.Tech. or MBA..
It may seem appropriate to continue your MBA course while you may also look for a suitable job based on your Engineering background. In case of finding a suitable job, you may opt for MBA (Part-time or distance education) so that both the activities may be continued simultaneously.
By: Ms. Dr. Reena kumari |
kindly intimate the names of Govt.approved institutions who are conducting MBA(MATERIAL MANAGEMENT) cources through distance education system. awaiting for your fabourable reply.
You may log on to http://www.citehr.com to get a detailed list of institutions conducting MBA (Material Management) through distance education. Regarding status of the institutions, also log on to For detailed list of institutions, please log on to www.education.nic.in/dist_inst.asp.
By: Ms. Dr. Reena kumari |
Hello Sir/Mam, I have done my BPT and i am interested in doing MBA. Please refer me any good institute located in USA and exams to be prepared for the same? Also advice me any good agency located in south india for the same? Thank you....
For a list of the institutes in USA offering MBA courses, log on to http://www.indianmba.com/mba_abroad/MBA_USA_1/mba_usa_1.html. Regarding list of some agencies offering assistance for admissions, you may go though the advertisement in the local dailies. We at Employment News normally do not provide information about coaching institutes or agencies as above.
By: Ms. Dr. Reena kumari |
i want to do PGDFM (post graduate diploma in financial management) by distance education programe.would you please suggest me about the universities,which can give this programe.
You have quite a few choices of institutions including Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi (www.ignou.ac.in), Anna University-Coimbatore Directorate of Online and Distance Education Mode (www.annauniv.ac.in), Annamalai University, Annamalainagar (www.annamalaiuniversity.ac.in), Welingkar (www.welingkaronline.org), School of Distance Learning, SVKM's NMIMS University, Mumbai (www.nmimsonline.org), etc Indicative examples. If you track newspapers on a regular basis then you would be able to spot the admission notifications of these and other institutions for the programme of your choice.
By: Ms. Jayanti Ghosh |
Inform me about the Govt.approved institutions are conducting MBA(MATERIAL MANGEMENT) COURCES throgh Distance learnig system.
Some of the institutes are listed below : Alcozin Institute of Management & Information Technology Noida All India Management Association - New Delhi Amity School of Distance Learning, Amity University New Delhi Amity School of Distance Learning, Amity University Noida Bharath Institute of Higher Education & Research Bharathiar University - School of Distance Education Coimbatore Bharathidasan University, Centre for Distance Education Tiruchirappalli Bharati Vidyapeeth's Institute of Management & Research New Delhi Bhartiya Shiksha Parishad Uttar Pradesh Lucknow Bundelkhand University, Campus For Open Learning Jhansi Centre for Management Education CMCE Academy Bokaro Steel City CSM Institute of Graduate Studies Kolkata Deendayal Upadhyaya Institute of Management and Higher St. Kanpur Delhi Institute of Management & Services New Delhi Delhi School of e-Learning New Delhi Department of Distance Learning Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya Indore Doctor Harisingh Gour Vishwavidyalaya Sagar Dr. C.V. Raman University, Institute of Open & Distance Education Raipur Elite Academy Mumbai EVP Institute of Technology & Management Studies Chennai Faculty of Management Studies, College of Materials Management Jabalpur Graduate School of Business & Administration Ghaziabad Guru Ghasidas University, Institute of Distance Education Bilaspur Guru Jambheshwar University Hisar Guru Nanak Dev University Amritsar Himachal Pradesh University Shimla Holymatha Colleges Kolkata IASE - Deemed University Sardarshahr Indian Institute for Aeronautical Engineering & Information Tech. Pune Indian Institute of Commerce and Trade Lucknow Indian Institute of Finance Delhi Indian Institute of Management & Technology Chennai Indian Institute of Management Technology Durg Indian Institute of Management Training (IIMT) Pune Indian Institute of Materials Management Bangalore Indian Institute of Materials Management Navi Mumbai Indian Institute of Modern Management Pune Indian Institute of Pharmaceutical Marketing Lucknow Indian Institute of Quality Assurance Tiruchirapalli Indian Institute of Rural Management Jaipur Indira Gandhi National Open University New Delhi Institute for Psychotherapy & Management Sciences, Mumbai Institute of Business Administration and Management New Delhi Institute of Management Technology, Distance Learning Prg. Ghaziabad Institute of Management & Technology Kolkata Jamia Hamdard, Directorate of Open & Distance Learning New Delhi Jiwaji University Gwalior Kakatiya University Kolkata Karnataka State Open University Mysore Kurukshetra University, Directorate of Correspondence Courses Kurukshetra Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute of Management & Development St. Lucknow Madhya Pradesh Bhoj (Open) University Bhopal Madurai Kamaraj University, Directorate of Distance Education Madurai Maharshi Dayanand University, Directorate of Distance Education Rohtak Mahatma Gandhi University, School of Distance Education Kottayam National Institute of Industrial Research & Development Chennai National Institute of Management Mumbai National Institute of Personnel Management Kolkata National Technological University Raipur NIILM University New Delhi NIME Education Delhi North Orissa University Baripada Periyar University Salem Pondicherry University, Directorate of Distance Education Pondicherry Punjab Technical University Jalandhar Punjabi University Patiala Rai University New Delhi Rajasthan Vidyapeeth (Deemed) University Udaipur Rajiv Gandhi Education Foundation Thrissur Rajiv Gandhi Technical University New Delhi Rashmi Institute Pune Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel University (SVBP University) Chennai Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel University of Agriculture & Technology, Directorate of Distance Education Meerut School of Commerce and Management Shanmugha Arts, Science, Technology & Res. Academy (SASTRA) Kumbakonam Sikkim Manipal University of Health, Medical and Technological Sciences Gangtok SITECH Chennai Symbiosis Centre for Distance Learning (SCDL) Pune Symbiosis Centre of Health Care Pune Symbiosis Institute of Management Studies (SIMS) Pune Tamil Nadu Open University Chennai Tamilnadu Agricultural University Coimbatore TASMAC Pune The University of Burdwan Burdwa U.P. Rajarshi Tandon Open University Allahabad University of Mysore, Faculty of Commerce & Management Mysore University of Technology and Sciences Raipur Utkal University Bhubaneswar V.B.S. Purvanchal University Jaunpur Welingkar Institute of Management Development & Research Mumbai Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University Nashik
By: Ms. Dr. Reena kumari |
Sir/Mam...I have done my B.Tech. in Biotch. I want to do M.B.A. give me information about colleges in PUNE with their website. I will be thank ful to U.
MBA Biotechnology/ allied programme in Pune is offered by University of Pune, Department of Management Sciences (PUMBA), Pune(www.dms.unipune.ernet.in) and MITCON Institute of Management, Pune (www.mima.edu.in). A regular MBA is offered in Pune by business schools affiliated to University of Pune as well as autonomous institutes as also those under Symbiosis International University. The admission notifications would appear from August onwards.
By: Ms. Jayanti Ghosh |
I have passed Bsc.[chemistry] as well as LL.B. from mumbai and doing service in court. I wish to do Post graduation in personal Management and Human resources. plz. give me name of college, phone no. city, whether it is regular or correspondence.
You may consider various institutions including IGNOU (www.ignou.ac.in), Alagappa University (www.alagappauniversity.ac.in), and National Institute of Personnel Management, Kolkata (www.nipm.in), to name a few. The prominent dailies carry admission notifications of prominent distance education university courses, so just keep track to identify choices for yourself. It is best to go through the notifications in the local dailies which have Mumbai as a local study/ exam centre. Indicative examples.
By: Ms. Jayanti Ghosh |
I have completed B.Sc. Maths & MBA with specialisation in Human Resource Management. I want to do Further courses Related to Human Resource. I am working in Public Sector Can you please suggest the suitable courses. Is it possible for me to do B.E/ B.Tech parttime. guideme the colleges and procedures.
You have to decide upon the objective of your further education. If the purpose is to move up into more advanced fields of HRM then you could consider the option of Ph D from the Academy of HRD or a part-time Ph D from a local university or business school offering Ph D in HRM. B E/ B Tech part-time would be possible from a local college so find out if any of them offer the option. However, I am not sure you can manage the same with a full-time public sector job. Also, if you are keen to pursue an engineering career then it may be a good idea, especially if you are working in a related field. In that sense, consider AMIE (www.ieindia.org)
By: Ms. Jayanti Ghosh |
I m a student of B.B.A last year.I want to do M.B.A. through simbiosis ,pune.I want to know the admission process for this and the learning centres .along with that I want to do some regular course.I want to know about the different job oriented courses that can I do along with my M.B.A. thanks
I m a student of B.B.A last year.I want to do M.B.A. through simbiosis ,pune.I want to know the admission process for this and the learning centres .along with that I want to do some regular course.I want to know about the different job oriented courses that can I do along with my M.B.A. thanks You can log on to Sybiosis distance leraning centre's website: http://www.scdl.net/programs.asp for correspondence courses and Symbiosis Institute of Businees website www.sibm.edu for regular PG courses. As far as other courses are concerned you can opt for a course in retail management as the retail boom is knocking the door of the country and has good future with mega brands coming in retail marketing. you can get further information from www.instituteofretailmanagement.com --Hena Naqvi
By: Ms. Hena Naqvi |
I Want to do my MBA(HR)from distance ed.,what will be the right choice for me.At present i m working in HR dpt. in a FMCG company.Plz.suggest that institute which start their session after April.
You can opt for a course in retail management as the retail boom is knocking the door of the country and has good future with mega brands coming in retail marketing. you can get further information from www.instituteofretailmanagement.com -- Hena Naqvi
By: Ms. Hena Naqvi |
Respected Sir, I am praveen working in southern railway as a Loco pilot . I have completed in commerce arts degree from kerala university As well as diploma in mechanical engg. I am very much interested to do double degree (BBA) through annamalai univerisity (thanmilnadu)distance education. I wish to know if i completed BBA through double degree can I apply for govt.jobs(railway jobs for getting my promotion or writing upsc exams) .i don't like to show my commerce arts degree for railway higher jobs. so i like to do BBA degree.(one year duration) kindly reply me above my email address which would be highly great ful for you ever. Thanking you sir, Praveen.K
You will have to check the eligibility criteria for a particular vacancy to find out of BBA is the minimum eligibility required. Most of the Govt. jobs advertise with Graduation in one of the streams (Arts, Science, Commerce) as the requisite qualifications. I am yet to across any such vacancy that needs BBA exclusively. BBA could actually be more fruitfully utilised as a stepping stone for doing MBA.
By: Ms. Dr. Reena kumari |
I am in the last year of 3years B.Sc.in Hotel Management.I want to persue a course in Retail Management.Can you enlighten me on short term Retail courses and scope for retail as a career?
Several private institutes offer courses in Retail management. With a large number of retail chains being opened in the organized sector and many leading players in the corporate world joining the retail fray, the prospects of the industry and consequently the job opportunities in the field appear attractive. Some of the institutes conducting courses in Retal Management are listed below: . Welingkar Institute of Management, Mumbai . K J Somaiya Institute of Management Studies & Research, Mumbai . Mudra Institute of Communications . Indian Retail School . Pearl Academy of Fashion . RPG Institute of Retail Management . SP Jain Institute of Management and Research, Mumbai . Birla Institute of Management Technology, New Delhi . Indian Institute of Jewelry, . Institute of Technology and Management . Indian Institute of Retail, New Delhi . Symbiosis Centre for Distance Learning (SCDL) . Institute of Management Studies, Mumbai . The Retail Academy, Ahmedabad . National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT)
By: Ms. Dr. Reena kumari |
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This week on Employment News Weekly - 28 April 12 - 04 May 12 |