Blogging as a Career
Lovey Chaudhary
Blogging as a career is in a nascent stage in India. However, it is not a new occurrence in today's information age. Most of the content on the Internet trails from blogs or blogs later turned into websites and this number is only snowballing with Internet connectivity getting better with time.
The upsurge of blogging and social-media in past couple of years is notable. Today, blogging and online media are not seen just as a hobby. It is catching up as a profession in India. It is now welcomed for all ages, genders and countries. It is getting great exposure worldwide as well as securing ample exposure in print media. If you want to turn into an entrepreneur but do not have enough means to start your company, you could begin with blogging. It has become one of the most opted careers globally and frequently assumes the category of self-employment and entrepreneurship.
Awareness is a factor in blogging. All you need is a good writing skill, a domain name and a hosting provider to start a blog. However writing itself is a skill which anybody can develop, provided one is willing to learn. Even if you are not a great writer you can still develop writing skills by reading good articles and by writing on a regular basis. So to become a successful blogger you need to develop skill of writing articles.
It is one of the best known online careers till now and one of the most effective ways to disseminate content and information. It is not merely about writing; it is a wide-ranging business that comprises in-depth understanding of a topic (domain), digital marketing, and sales.
What's the right time to start a Blog? There is no right or wrong time. Any 10 year old with good writing skills can start one and someone who is retired in his 50's and sitting at home can start one of his own too. Sign up on free writing platforms like Medium or Blogger. Finish your first article and hit the publish button. What do you have to lose? Nothing. If you have a passion for writing only then you could be successful or think of starting your career as a blogger.
You can choose to write on any niche sector like gadgets, education, entertainment, ports, celebs, lifestyle, fashion and etc. It is all about penning down your hobby. You learn the art of content marketing through blogging. There are plentiful companies that grew successful based on content marketing itself. You should be mindful of who your audience is and what topics you are going to address with your blog. For example, if you are writing on parenting, then concentrate your target market to mothers of infants, toddlers or teens. Content useful for mothers of infants will be only minutely helpful for mothers of toddlers.
The more you zero in, the better your reader will connect with you. You can secure a domain name and hosting under Rs 1000 and install Word Press or popular blogging platforms like blogger, tumblr to start writing. It will take some time to learn and study about the plugins and theme settings.
There are many options to make money online and blogging is one of the most common and possible option. Also blogging is the field that provides you with an income even when you are sleeping as your website is 24x7.
Blogging term mainly relates to Internet Books, Where you provide some information and people are coming to your Blog to read your post. You gain a Name (May be your Name or Blog Name) by which people start recognizing you over the Internet and come back every time when they need some helpful information.
You gradually gain the authority of Niche and also you will become an expert in your field by distributing the Information.
Content on the other hand should be creative and innovative. The essence of your articles should be to provide in-depth information and analysis on the subject. The blogger must think and write from the perspective of a reader. You should keep in mind how the article can be of maximum assistance to your reader.
Additionally, being regular and consistent is very significant for successful blogging to develop a trust between a blogger and reader. Stay updated on your chosen niche to keep your followers informed too. It is necessary to have steady and organic visitors as such visitors will only grow if you are persistent in posting quality content on the blog.
There is no short cut to success and this rule applies on blogging too. You have to invest your time and energy only to reap its benefits later. The enthusiasm and willingness for learning will help you reach your goals. Blogging is all about sharing of knowledge with others.
Blogging is not a regular routine job. Rather, it is a vast world and those having the passion for learning are most likely to thrive. It has been proved that blogging can be pursued at a professional level and can render benefits like a regular job.
Blogging is one of the best career opportunities available now-a-days because of the freedom and ever growing possibilities it offers. It requires a lot of hard work, dedication, strong will power and it also requires ability to face failures.
Blog for your urge and if you start a Blog, it should only be your passion blended with knowledge behind any niche. All that is required is the right platform and right direction to move on, once you have it, you are unstoppable. Having your blog is like an investment of your time and it will change things for you in career. Now you have an idea and motivation to start your blog.
Blogging is one of the businesses that lead to no retirements and you can run it from your home. Select the area of your interest and create your blog. Start posting your articles and posts on your blog. You will learn as you go. Once you will start your blog you will learn many new things and it will develop your interest too. Blogging in India could be very promising in future, if more young people choose to become a blogger.
Rome was not built in a day. You need to dedicate time, energy and efforts to make things work. Blogging is evolving as a full-time career option. The good news is that starting up a blog is almost free and majorly risk-free.
(The author is a working Journalist based in Delhi) Views expressed are personal.
Image: Courtesy Google