Swachhta Pakhwada Update
Swachhta Pakhwada by Ministry of Food Processing Industries
Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MoFPI) observed Swachhta Pakhwada during 16-31 October 2016. Officers and PMAs visited various institutions under MoFPI. The following action plan was drawn by the Ministry.
* The Mega Food Parks, Cold Chain Projects, Abattoir Projects and Food Testing Lab Projects assisted by the Ministry were involved for Swachhta Abhiyan. The project promoters have been advised to observe the Swachhta Pakhwada by administering the Swachhata Pledge, ensure cleanliness in the project premises and also spread awareness amongst the project employees as well as other stakeholders associated with the project such as farmers, transporters, suppliers etc.
*In addition, the promoters of Mega Food Parks, Cold Chain projects, and abattoir projects have been advised to furnish information on facilities created/being developed for cleanliness and environment safety such as provision fori, Agro-waste utilization/disposal (capacity), Solar/Bio-fuel Captive Power Plant(capacity), Provision of Solid Waste Management (capacity), Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP)/Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) (capacity), no. of rooms in dormitory, availability of creche facility for working women, no. of toilets etc., alongwith their current status (completed/under implementation).
*Infrastructure for ensuring hygiene and cleanliness is eligible for grant under Mega Food Park Scheme. Likewise, under Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) scheme, the units are being provided assistance to adopt Good Hygiene Practices (GHP), Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and certification for HACCP/ISO 22000 relating to Food Safety Management Systems (FPMS).
*To encourage private promoters to have permanent facilities for observing Swachhta, in the scheme guidelines for Creation/ Expansion of Food Processing and Preservation Capacities it is proposed to make Swachhta related infrastructure eligible for grant like toilets, changing room, public amenities within campus.
*PMAs assisting the Ministry in implementation of the schemes and Ministry's officers will visit project sites to review Swachhta related issues and amenities and include their comments on this as part of their visit report.
*Awareness about cleanliness and hygiene will be spread though involvement of Teachers and Students of NIFTEM and IICPT, the institutes under the Ministry. They will cover adjoining villages/talukas for this purpose. Faculty Members of NIFTEM
The following activities have been undertaken during 16-21 October 2016
*Training on Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) was conducted 16-10-2016 on NIFTEM for Hostel Mess to train the hostel mess workers to ensure safe and hygienic food to the students. In the training, all the workers of 4 hostels namely Brahmaputra, Sutlej, Ganga and Kaveri have participated. After the programme, its implementation was also ensured by the Mess Committee under the supervision of Hostel Wardens and Dean, Student Welfare.
*Secretary, FPI during the SOM reviewed the status of preparedness of the Ministry for observing Swachhta Pakhwada during 16th to 31st Oct., 2016.
*Secretary, FPI directed all officers to visit at least one project funded by the Ministry to see for themselves the observance of Swachhta Pakhwada and the presence of facilities like, Solid Waste Management, Sewage Water Treatment, Toilets, Effluent Treatment Plant etc. and submit report to the Ministry.
*All the employees and officers of the Ministry assembled at the foyer of the Panchsheel Bhawan where Secretary, FPI administered Swachhta Pledge to all.
*A training camp was organized for street food vendors at K- Block, Central Park Market, Lajpat Nagar, New Delhi in collaboration with Confederation of Indian Industries (CII) and National Institute for Food Technology and Entrepreneurship Management (NIFTEM) for educating around 35 Street Food Vendors on the importance of swachhta, hygiene and food safety. Pamphlets and hygiene kits were distributed to the street food vendors. All senior officers led by Secretary, FPI participated in the event. IICPT at Thanjavur observed Swachhta Pakhwada through Cleaning, beautification and tree planting activities within IICPT campus on 17th October 2016. About 50 + student volunteers participated in this activity. The following activities have been done by the volunteers for the beautification of IICPT.
*Indian Institute of Crop Processing Technology (IICPT) organized Inter college essay writing competition titled “Health is wealth” under Swachhta Pakhwada on 18th October, 2016 at Examination Hall, APJ Abdul Kalam Block of IICPT. The main objective of this event to provide the platform to students to express their views on “Swachhta Program” according to their perspective. Undergraduate and Post Graduate students of IICPT have participated in the above contest. The instructions to be followed for writing an essay were conveyed prior to commencement of the competition. An evaluation committee was nominated to judge the event and three students were selected for first, second and third prizes.
*Vice Chancellor, NIFTEM alongwith other Officers inspected Food Testing Laboratory, Cafeteria and Hostels and gave instructions for improvement of sanitation level and its sustainability at all places.
*Besides, horticulture cleanliness and cutting of hedge all around the NIFTEM buildings has been carried out. Besides, a park has also been developed outside the Main Gate up to State Bank of India corner. The work started in mid September, 2016 and was completed during October, 2016.
*Indian Institute of Crop Processing Technology (IICPT) in co-ordination with NSS unit of IICPT organized a procession in Thanjavur town on 19 October 2016 to create awareness about Clean India program to the public. Director, IICPT flag off the procession near New Bus Stand, Thanjavur, and all staff and students participated in the rally and walked till IICPT Campus. Placards showing slogans and quotes about Clean India Mission were displayed in English and Tamil by the students. Good response from public was visible throughout the rally.
*Special Secretary, MoFPI visited Assam to observe the Swachhata Abhiyan in units there.
*JS, MOFPI, alongwith other officials visited MCD Abattoir at Ghazipur and oversaw their Swachhata Campaign being done on the initiative of MoFPI. The premises and surrounding had high degree of cleaniness.
*IICPT has organized a workshop on “Cleanliness and waste management in offices for supporting and housekeeping staff of IICPT on 20 October 2016 at TDC Hall, Dr. V Subramanian Block, IICPT. This event was conducted as part of the Swatchhta Pakhwada celebration from 16 October 2016 to 31 October 2016. Dr. Shanmugasundaram, Assoc. Professor, IICPT addressed the gathering and stressed about maintaining cleanliness in the campus. Later on Dr. Meenatchi, faculty of IICPT, has given a lecture on importance of cleanliness and waste management in offices, how to segregate the wastes and dispose the waste materials.
*A cleanliness drive has been carried in newly constructed Food Testing Laboratory (FTL) in IICPT.
*Besides, a delegation from newly adopted 3 VAP villages of Haryana has visited NIFTEM on 20-10-2016 and they have been sensitized about the activities of NIFTEM as well as importance about the cleanliness in the surrounding area of their villages.
*Secretary, FPI sensitized the promoters of Cold Chain Projects on the importance of Swachhta and hygiene in the project area during a meeting with them in Panchsheel Bhawan New Delhi on 21 October 2016 and requested all too actively participate in the Swachhta Mission.
*Letter to all promoters of Cold Chain Project and Mega Food Parks has been issued on 21 October 2016 for ensuring Good Hygiene Practices in their projects areas.