Prime Minister Calls Upon Youth to Accomplish
Country's Dream to Transform into a Cashless Society
Prime Minister Mr Narendra Modi addressed the nation on the 26th edition of his monthly radio broadcast Mann Ki Baat on 27th of November. On the backdrop of the Government's decision to demonetize Rs. 500 and Rs. 1000 notes, the Prime Minister called upon youth of the country to embrace mobile banking technology and invited them to be part of this change. He sought their active participation to move forward to a cashless society. He said, despite having all facilities the country has not explored the options of cashless society. He added that it is not necessary that this system has to work on a high technology platform, even it can work on simple feature phones. The Prime Minister urged young generation to not only have all applications of cashless transactions in their phones but also take the effort to make at least 10 people in their vicinity understand about nuances of applications so that the nation move forward to the cashless society. He commended the contribution being made by young men and women in positively taking the mission forward so that the country reaches to new economic height. He said, a hundred percent cashless society is not possible. However, the country must embark on the journey to create a 'less-cash society. Citing facilities like digital banking and mobile banking being provided by banks these days, Mr. Modi said every bank has its wallet which simply means an e-purse. He said various types of cards are available and under Jan Dhan Yojana, crores of poor families in India have Rupay Cards. Used scarcely earlier, after 8th November the poor people have started using Rupay Cards and this usage has seen almost 300 percent surge. Prime Minister added that just as there is a prepaid card for mobile phones, prepaid cards are also available in banks to facilitate expenditure. Describing Unified Payment Interface or (UPI) as useful platform for carrying on trade activities which enables one to make purchases, send money and even receive money, he said this procedure is as simple as sending messages through WhatsApp and cash can be transferred even with a phone with ordinary features. He invited youth to work for the mission individually and collectively in every school, in every college, in every university, in NCC and in NSS.