Common Law Admission Test (CLAT) Exam-2016
• A person is said to abet the doing of a thing when he instigates any other person to do that thing.
• Mere acquiescence, however, does not amount to instigation.
Facts: 'A' says to 'B': I am going to kill 'C'." And, 'B' replies: "Do as you wish and take the consequences"; whereafter 'A' kills 'C'.
1. 'B' has not abetted 'A' to kill 'C'.
2. 'B' has abetted 'A' by conspiracy.
3. 'B' abetted 'A' to kill 'C'.
4. 'B' is jointly liable with 'A' for killing 'C'.
Q.2 Principles:
• A servant is one who is employed to do some work for his employer (master). He is engaged under a contract of service. He works directly under the control and directions of his master.
• In general, the master is vicariously liable for those torts (wrongful acts) of his servant which are done by the servant in the course of his employment.
Facts: 'M' appointed 'D' exclusively for the purpose of driving his tourist vehicle. 'M' also appointed 'C' exclusively for the purpose of performing the work of a conductor for the tourist vehicle. During one trip, at the end of the journey, 'C', while 'D' was not on the driver's seat, and apparently for the purpose of turning the vehicle in the right direction for the next journey, drove it through the street at high speed, and negligently injured 'P'.
1. 'M' could be made liable for the act of 'C', as his (C's) act of driving the vehicle was within his scope of employment.
2. 'M' is not liable as he was not present at the time of accident.
3. 'M' could not be made liable for the act of 'C', as his (C's) act of driving the vehicle was not in the course of his employment.
4. 'M' could be made liable for the act of 'C', as 'C' was employed under a contract of service.
Direction for Questions 3 to 17: Choose the most appropriate option:
Q.3'alibi' means a plea by an accused person that he-
1. was facing trial.
2.was present elsewhere
3. underwent preventive detention.
4. remained in judicial custody.
Q.4Under the Constitution of India restriction on freedom of religion can not be placed on the ground of-
1. Public order
2. Social justice
3. Morality
4. Health
Q.5If an authority is holding information about another in a 'fiduciary capacity', the infor-mation under the Right to Information Act, 2005 may not be obtainable. 'Fiduciary relation-ship' is based on:
1. Authority
2. Law
3. Trust
4. Contract
Q.6 Which one of the following is not a Directive Principle of State Policy under Part IV of the Constitution of India?
1. Promotion of adult education.
2. Promotion of International peace and security.
3. Organisation of village panchayats.
4. Provision for just and humane conditions of work and maternity relief.
Q.7'audi alteram partem' means -
1. Not connected to facts.
2. Giving opportunity of hearing of the other side.
3. Following the substantive law.
4. A transferee cannot retransfer.
Q.8Which among the following was described by Dr. B. R. Ambedkar as the "heart and soul of the Constitution of India"?
1. Right to Constitutional Remedies
2. Right to equality
3. Freedom of Religion
4. Right to move throughout the territory of India
Q.9'obiter dicta' means -
1. Direction by a judge.
2. Basis of judicial decision.
3. Judgment of a court in the case before it.
4. An opinion given by the court not necessary for the decision.
Q.10 Under the Constitution of India 'Right to Pollution Free Environ-ment' has emerged as a funda-mental right from the right to-
1. Life and personal liberty under Article 21
2. Freedom of movement under Article 19
3. Conserve culture under Article 29.
4. Equality under Article 14
Q.11'persona non grata' means -
1. Non-person
2. An unacceptable person
3. Non-performance of promise.
4. Ungrateful person
Q.12The object of which one of the following writs is to prevent a person to hold public office which he is not legally entitled to hold ?
1. Quo warranto
2. Mandamus
3. Prohibition
4. Certiorari
Q.13Which among the following does not belong to the 'right to freedom of religion'?
1. Freedom of conscience and free profession, practice and propagation of religion.
2. Freedom from attending religious instruction or religious worship in certain educational institutions.
3. Freedom from payment of taxes for promotion of any particular religion .
4. Freedom of speech and expression.
Q.14'lis pendens' means -
1. A pending suit
2. On the basis of evidence
3. Awaited information
4. Decision awaited.
Q.15Which Indian State has prescribed minimum educational qualification for candidates contesting panchayat polls?
1. Gujarat
2. Kerala
3. Punjab
4. Haryana
Q.16As per law the minimum age for the marriage of a boy and a girl in India is
1. 21 years in both cases
2. 18 years and 21 years respectively
3. 21 years and 18 years respectively
4. 18 years in both cases
Q.17The Supreme Court of India has struck down the Constitution (Ninetyninth Amendment) Act, 2014 as unconstitutional. It is related to -
1. National Judicial Appointment Commission
2. Religious Rights
3. Land Exchange between India and Bangladesh
4. Jallikattu (Bull Fighting)
Section : Logical Reasoning
Direction for Questions 18 - 20
Read the following information carefully and choose the most appropriate option:
A and B are good in driving bus and car. C and A are good in driving car and scooter. C, D and E are good in driving scooter and tractor. E and C are good in driving scooter and auto rickshaw. D and B are good in driving bus and tractor.
Q.18Who is good in driving scooter, tractor and auto rickshaw but not good in driving car?
1. A
2. E
3. D
4. C
Q.19Who is good in driving scooter, tractor and bus?
1. C
2. D
3. B
4. A
Q.20Who is good in driving tractor, scooter, car and autorickshaw but not bus?
1. C
2. D
3. B
4. A
Direction for Questions 21 - 23
Read the following information carefully and choose the most appropriate option:
In each question, there is a statement and two assumptions numbered as I and II. Read the statement and find which of the given assumptions is implicit:
(A) If assumption I is implicit.
(B) If assumption II is implicit.
(C) If neither assumption I nor Assumption II is implicit.
(D) If both Assumption I and Assumption II are implicit.
Q.21 Statement: The next meeting of the executive board of a company will be held after six months.
I.Existing executive board will be dissolved before six months
II. The company will remain in function after six months
1. Neither assumption I nor Assum-ption II is implicit.
2. Assumption II is implicit.
3. Both Assumption I and Assumption II are implicit.
4. Assumption I is implicit.
Q.22Statement: In the State of Zuminisia, people prefer to travel by X airline instead of Y airline, as X airline has advanced German security system and 99% on time operations.
I. Airline X with advanced German security system and record on time operation is perceived better than airline Y.
II. Had advanced German security system and on time performance record of Y airline been implemented, it would have been preferred over airline X.
1. Assumption I is implicit.
2. Neither assumption Inor Assumption II is implicit.
3. Assumption II is implicit.
4. Both Assumption I and Assumption II are implicit.
Q.23Statement: To attend a convocation ceremony scheduled to be held on Thursday at GM University, Chennai, Mr X left for Chennai on Tuesday by train.
I. Mr X may reach home on Saturday
II. Mr X may reach the University on Wednesday
1. Assumption I is implicit.
2. Assumption II is implicit.
3. Both Assumption I and Assumption II are implicit.
4. Neither assumption I nor Assumption II is implicit.
Direction for Questions 24 – 25
Read the following information carefully and choose the most appropriate option:
In a joint family, A, B, C, D, E, and F are the members. B is the son of C. A and C are husband and wife. C is not the mother of B. E is the brother of C. D is the daughter of A and F is the brother of B.
Q.24 Which of the following is a pair of females in the family?
1. AE
2. AD
3. DF
4. BD
Q.25Who is the mother of B?
1. D
2. F
3. A
4. E
Direction for Questions 26
Read the following information carefully and choose the most appropriate option:
In each of the questions, two statements are numbered as I and II. There may be a cause and effect relationship between the two statements. The statements may be the effect of the same cause or an independent cause. The statements may be independent causes without having any relationship.
Read both the statements and mark your answer as:
(A) If statement I is the cause and statement II is its effect.
(B) If statement II is the cause and statement I is its effect.
(C) If both statements I and II are independent causes.
(D) If both statements I and II are effects of independent causes.
Q.26 Statement I: In last two years, there is a considerable reduction in cancellation of flights due to fog in North India.
Statement II: In last two years, there is a considerable improvement in passenger amenities on all airports of North India.
1. Both statements I and II are effects of independent causes.
2. Statement I is the cause and statement II is its effect.
3. Statement II is the cause and statement I is its effect.
4. Both statements I and II are independent causes.
(Answer Key shall be published in the Next Issue)