Hiring of Professional Agency to enrich the editorial content of Employment News and for Career Guidance
Employment News is revamping itself and giving it a fresh look in editorial content wherein it would provide comprehensive editorial inputs for aspirants related to jobs, competitive examinations, etc. To achieve the above purpose, the weekly job journal has proposed to engage a professional Agency/ Organization which could provide the requisite services for enriching the editorial content of Employment News and for career guidance. The professional Agency/ Organisation is required to provide editorial content in the following indicative fields:
*Devising an indicative annual plan for editorial content.
*Preparation of suitable inputs for aspirants which would inter-alia relate to jobs, competitive examinations, personality development and also life skills to ensure better productivity, efficiency and effectiveness in the actual work situation. As part of the vision to increase the editorial content, the focus would be on preparing students for competitive examinations and giving them suitable inputs which facilitate the same. Accordingly, the editorial content will mostly comprise of articles on issues of national and international importance, economy, current affairs, etc. It will also include questions relevant to different competitive examinations and their suggested answers. Similarly, segments on Quantitative aptitude, test of reasoning, Logical aptitude, etc. may also be introduced with explanatory notes. Also specific guidance for different examinations such as NDA, CDS, Forest Services, Engineering Service, Civil Services, Medical Services, Law, Chartered Accountancy, Company Secretary and similar career choices shall be provided by soliciting articles from experts in these areas. Suitable space shall be devoted for providing editorial content to guide the youngsters on various schemes of the Government to promote entrepreneurship and success stories of youngsters who have created a space for themselves may be included. (It is mentioned that the above topics are only indicative)
*Preparation of standardised and customised questions and answers for career counselling, life skills and psychometric tests, etc. The Agency will provide data base of questions and answers under the career counselling and life skills category and also provide customised answers under other categories in response to queries received from readers. It will also provide services for psychometric testing and analysis that may help a student or a job aspirant to decide on the career that he/she may like to select in his/her future. In some cases, customised counselling may also need to be provided to select readers based on their query and requirements.
*The agency will be responsible for authenticity and correctness of the material.
*It will work closely with the Editorial team and technical team of Employment News to scrutinize the content.
*The services to provide editorial content, will inter-alia be in the categories of editorial inputs, infographics, career expertise / book reviews/ career counseling issues including special issues of Employment News on specific themes.
*Selected Agency / Organization would be required to provide multiple options for the same content and work on any content-related issues pertaining to Employment News.
*Any other related work assigned by Employment News Team shall be carried out by the Agency / Organisation.
Interested parties may submit their tenders in sealed covers which should be placed in the main sealed envelope super-scribed "Tender for Hiring of Professional Agency to enrich the editorial content of Employment News and for Career Guidance". This should be addressed to the Deputy Director (Admn.), Employment News, Room No. 778, 7th Floor, Soochna Bhawan, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110 003 by post or by hand to be delivered latest by 2:30 p.m. on 3/12/2018. For details visit http://employmentnews. gov.in/writereaddata/tender-.pdf.
(Image Courtesy: Google)