Question Paper of NDA & NA Exam (II) 2017
General Ability Test
Directions: Each item in this section consists of a sentence with an underlined word/words followed by four options. Select the option that is nearest in meaning to the underlined word/ words and mark your response in your Answer Sheet accordingly.
Q1. The discussion was wound up after a long and fruitful exchange of views.
(a) postponed (b) cut short
(c) interrupted (d) concluded
Q2. He was fully alive to the need for making adjustments.
(a) concerned about
(b) worried about
(c) aware of
(d) indifferent about
Q3. The police officer tried to intimidate the witness but in vain.
(a) inform (b) reward
(c) frighten (d) persuade
Q4. We must adopt drastic measures to control population growth.
(a) simple (b) dramatic
(c) realistic (d) severe
Q5. He is extremely meticulous in his approach.
(a) simple (b) careful
(c) fair (d) reasonable
Q6. The experts' minute examination brought to light some important clues.
(a) quick (b) detailed
(c) superficial (d) prolonged
Q7. The decision of the Union Government to repeal the Urban Land Ceiling Act has been welcomed by all.
(a) suppress (b) amend
(c) cancel (d) withhold
Q8. This is his maiden appearance on the screen.
(a) first (b) last
(c) girlish (d) shy
Q9. At the end of the marathon everybody was exhausted.
(a) weakened (b) honoured
(c) satisfied (d) tired
Q10. He gave me a counterfeit coin.
(a) rare (b) fake
(c) unmatured (d) inferior
Directions: Each item in this section consists of a sentence with an underlined word/ words followed by four options. Select the option that is opposite in meaning to the underlined word/words and mark your response in your Answer Sheet accordingly.
Q11. My mother has been working hard for the last two weeks and she feels run down.
(a) morbid (b) energetic
(c) exhausted (d) emotional
Q12. The President condemned the act of violence during the celebration of the festival.
(a) reason (b) instigation
(c) restraint (d) sobriety
Q13. The students made a generous contribution to the flood relief fund.
(a) niggard (b) selfish
(c) spendthrift (d) indecent
Q14. He was just idle by temperament.
(a) employed (b) occupied
(c) industrious (d) happy
Q15. Most of the decisions taken by the officer were unjust.
(a) serious (b) lenient
(c) correct (d) imbecile
Q16. He is a loving father and takes great delight in his children.
(a) revolt
(b) dissatisfaction
(c) enjoyment (d) disgust
Q17. He was quite concerned about his son's career.
(a) unrelated (b) indifferent
(c) dispassionate
(d) carefree
Q18. They are confident of success.
(a) imprudent (b) impatient
(c) diffident (d) reluctant
Q19. We carried on the search for the missing person.
(a) delayed (b) reconsidered
(c) broke up (d) called off
Q20. This T.V. has many indigenous components.
(a) Indian (b) foreign
(c) unnatural (d) genuine
Ordering of words in a sentence
Directions: Each of the following items in this section consists of a sentence, the parts of which have been jumbled. These parts have been labelled P, Q, R and S. Given below each sentence are four sequences namely (a), (b), (c) and (d). You are required to re-arrange the jumbled parts of the sentence and mark your response accordingly.
Q21. The spirit of man
has slowly and painfully surmounted/P
and his growing intelligence/ Q
all the obstacles that have come in his way/R
has faced all kinds of dangers/S
(a) Q P S R
(b) S Q P R
(c) R P Q S
(d) P R Q S
Q22. After our school boys had won a well-contested hockey match
so that they might communicate the news of their victory to the headmaster/P
who is a keen sports-man/Q
they came to school in high spirits/R
and takes a very lively interest in school games/S
(a) Q P S R
(b) S Q P R
(c) R P Q S
(d) P R Q S
Q23. Even a leisurely game like cricket
demanding grace rather than strength/P
and over the rough tactics of the Australian team that visited Engl-and in 1921/Q
as we saw in the controversy over body-line bowling/R
can cause much ill-will/S
(a) P S R Q
(b) R S P Q
(c) S R Q P
(d) Q P R S
Q24. Scientists point out of sunspot activity/P
that it is an aftermath that/Q
has now reached its peak/R
of the eleven-year cycle/S
(a) R S P Q
(b) P Q S R
(c) Q R P S
(d) Q S P R
Q25. As the ship streams from San Diego as walls of gray water from a distant storm in the North Pacific/P
making the greener among us miserable with sea sickness/Q
rock and toss the ship/R
those of us aboard have a personal demonstration of powerful ocean movement/S
(a) P Q R S
(b) S R P Q
(c) S P R Q
(d) Q S R P
Spotting Errors
Directions: Each item in this section has a sentence with three underlined parts labelled (a), (b) and (c). Read each sentence to find out whether there is any error in any underlined part and indicate your response in the Answer Sheet against the corresponding letter i.e., (a) or (b) or (c). If you find no error, your response should be indicated as (d).
Q26. An electrical circuit/(a)
is the complete path/(b)
traversed by electric current./(c)
No error/(d)
Q27. He waved us a by-by/(a)
as he boarded the train/(b)
which disappeared into the tunnel./(c)
No error/(d)
Q28. There was great deal that had to be scrapped, that must be scrapped;/(a)
but surely India could not have been what she undoubtedly was/ (b)
and could not have continued a cultured existence for thousands of years./ (c)
No error/ (d)
Q29. With regard to interior decoration, it is the attention given to the less overt aspects of using space/(a)
that give it life, an identity, a quality/(b)
that makes it exciting and unusual./ (c)
No error/(d)
Q30. A small parcel/(a)
of novels is/(b)
better than none./(c)
No error/(d)
Fill in the blanks
Directions: Each of the following sentences in this section has a blank space and four words or group of words given after the sentence. Select the word or group of words you consider most appropriate for the blank space and indicate your response on the Answer Sheet accordingly.
Q31. He looks as if he _________weary.
(a) is (b) was
(c) would be (d) were
Q32. My house is insured _________ theft and fire.
(a) for (b) against
(c) in (d) towards
Q33. The result of the prolonged discussion was ___________.
(a) disappointment
(b) disappointing
(c) disappointed
(d) to disappoint
Q34. You are lucky ________ _____ in the 20th century.
(a) by being born
(b) to have been born
(c) for being born
(d) to have born
Q35. Sita is true to _________.
(a) word (b) her words
(c) the words (d) words
Q36. Years_________ since I saw her last.
(a) have passed
(b) had passed
(c) had been passing
(d) have been passing
Q37. When he heard the terrible noise he asked me what was ________ on.
(a) happening (b) being
(c) getting (d) going
Q38. Could you lend me some money? I am very ________ of cash at the moment.
(a) down (b) low
(c) short (d) scarce
Q39. I saw her when she was standing _____the side of the old statue.
(a) by (b) at
(c) in (d) beyond
Q40. True friends never___ _____ their loved ones in adversity.
(a) abuse (b) criticize
(c) befool (d) desert
Q41. Which one of the following was set as a target of average growth of GDP of India over the plan period 2012 - 2017 by the Approach Paper to the Twelfth Five Year Plan?
(a) 7 percent (b) 8 percent
(c) 9 percent (d) 10 percent
Q42. Which one of the following is not a subject that has been devolved to the Panchayati Raj Institutions by the 11th Schedule of the Constitution of India?
(a) Non-conventional energy resources
(b) Roads
(c) Higher education
(d) Libraries
Q43. Who among the following used the term Industrial Revolution for the first time in English to describe the changes that occurred in the British industrial development between 1760 and 1820?
(a) Friedrich Engels
(b) Eric Hobsbawm
(c) Arnold Toynbee
(d) Georges Michelet
Q44. Who among the following is the author of the book The Indian Struggle, 1920 - 1934'?
(a) Maulana Abul Kalam
(b) Jayprakash Narayan
(c) Subhash Chandra Bose
(d) Manabendra Nath Roy
Q45. Which one of the following about the Swadeshi Campaign in 1896 is not correct?
(a) Its centre was Maharashtra
(b) Its main participants were students
(c) It opposed the levy of tariff on imports
(d) It publicly burnt foreign clothes
Q46. Which one of the following associations was founded in London by Dadabhai Naoroji in 1866?
(a) The Bengal British India Society
(b) The East India Association
(c) The British Indian Association
(d) The Madras Native Association
Q47. Mariana Trench is located in the ocean floor of
(a) Southern Atlantic Ocean
(b) Western Pacific Ocean
(c) Eastern Pacific Ocean
(d) Northern Atlantic Ocean
Q48. Taklamakan Desert is situated in
(a) Western Asia
(b) Southern fringe of Sahara in Africa
(c) South America
(d) Central Asia
Q49. Rudraprayag is situated at the confluence of rivers Alaknanda and
(a) Bhagirathi (b) Mandakini
(c) Nandakini (d) Dhauliganga
Q50. Arrange the following Indian cities according to their locations from west to east :
- Bilaspur 2. Jodhpur
- Bhopal 4. Ranchi
Select the correct answer using the code given below:
(a) 3-2-1-4 (b) 2-3-1-4
(c) 4-1-2-3 (d) 2-1-3-4
Q51. The Kashmir region receives additional amount of precipitation during the winter brought by
(a) South-west Monsoon
(b) Western Disturbances
(c) Retreating Monsoon
(d) Temperate Cyclone
Q52. Which part of India has the Kalakot tertiary coal field?
(a) Brahmaputra river basin of Assam
(b) Damodar river basin of Jharkhand and West Bengal
(c) Himalayan mountain region
(d) Cardamom hills in Kerala