Pariksha Pe Charcha 2022 Pariksha Ki Baat PM Ke Saath
In the 5th edition of Pariksha Pe Charcha (PPC) held on 1st April 2022, the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi interacted with students, teachers and parents at Talkatora Stadium, New Delhi. Union Ministers Shri Dharmendra Pradhan, Smt. Annpurna Devi, Dr. Subhas Sarkar, Dr. Rajkumar Ranjan Singh and Shri Rajeev Chandrasekhar were present on the occasion. The programme also saw virtual participation of Governors and Chief Ministers, teachers, students and parents.
· The Prime Minister introduced a new practice in the 5th edition of PPC. He said that questions that could not be taken by him will be addressed through video, audio or text message on the Namo App. z Answering questions by students about the tensions and stress pertaining to examinations, the PM told them "In a way you are exam-proof." The experience they got from previous examinations would help them overcome the upcoming examinations. He said that some portion of the study might be missed but asked them not to be stressed over that. He suggested that they should focus on the strength of their preparation and stay relaxed and natural in their day to day routine. There is no point in trying anything as imitation of others but stay with their routine and work in a festive relaxed manner.
· On the question of online mode of study and many online distractions like YouTube, etc. the PM said that the problem is not with the online or offline modes of study. Even in the offline mode of study, the mind could be very distracted. "It is not the medium but the mind that is the problem", he said. He said the technology would evolve and the students should embrace the new technologies in education. New modes of learning should be taken as an opportunity, not as a challenge. Online can augment your offline learning.
· Clarifying that the NEP is 'National' Education Policy and not a 'New' Education Policy, the PM said the policy was drafted after a lot of brainstorming with various stakeholders. "Consultation for National Education Policy has been exhaustive. People across India were consulted on this…This policy was made not by the Government but by the citizens, the students, and its teachers for the development of the country.
· The PM remarked that the 20th century education system and ideas cannot determine our development trajectory in the 21st century. He said that we would be left out and go back if we don't evolve with the changing systems. He said that National Education Policy gives the opportunity to follow one's passion. He stressed the importance of skill along with knowledge. He said that's the reason to include skills as part of the National Education Policy.
· The PM also underlined the flexibility provided by NEP in the choice of subjects. He said proper implementation of NEP will open new a venues.
· The PM urged schools all over the country to find new ways to implement the new technologies invented by the students.
· The PM asked the parents and teachers not to force their dreams on the students. "Unfulfilled dreams of teachers and parents cannot be forced on students. It is important for every child to follow their own dreams" said the Prime Minister. He urged the parents and teachers to accept that every student has some special ability and to discover that.
· When asked by students and parents on how to maintain the motivation to study in times of uncertainty, the PM said, "There is no injection or formula for motivation. Instead, discover yourself better and find out what makes you happy and work on that." He advised the students to observe the surrounding how children, divyangs and nature try to achieve their goals. "We should observe the efforts and strengths of our surroundings and draw inspiration from them", he said. He also recalled from his book Exam Warrior how one can feel motivated by writing a letter to the 'exam' itself and challenging the exam with one's strength and preparation.
· The PM said if things are learnt with full attention nothing will be forgotten. He asked the student to be fully present in the present. This mindfulness about the present will help them to learn and remember better. He asked them to treasure the power of memory and keep expanding it. He also said a stable mind is best suited for recalling things.
· The PM also advised students that the habit of analyzing the output and outcome is an important part of education. He said, "Often we devote more time to subjects that are easy and of interest to us. This requires deliberate effort to overcome the 'cheating of mind, heart and body.' Do things that you enjoy and that are when you will get the maximum outcome."
· On being asked by students how they should handle the demands of competitive exams, the PM said, if one studies the syllabus with a full mind, different exams don't matter. He said one should aim to master the subject rather than for clearing exams. He further said athletes train for sports and not for competition. "You belong to a special generation. Yes, there is more competition but there are more opportunities too", he added. He asked the students to treat competition as the greatest gift of their time.
· When a parent asked how society can contribute towards the upliftment of rural girls, Shri Modi said that the situation has changed a lot over the years from the time when education of girls was ignored. He stressed that no society can improve without ensuring proper education of the girls. He said that the opportunities and empowerment of daughters should be institutionalized. Girls are becoming a more valued asset and this change is welcome. He said in the year of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav, India has the maximum number of women Members of Parliament in the history of independent India. "Daughter is the strength of the family. What can be better than seeing our Nari shakti excel in different sectors of life."
· On being asked how students can contribute to keeping the environment clean, the PM thanked the students and credited them for making this country clean and green. "Children defied the naysayers and truly understood the pledge of 'Swachata,' he observed. Stressing the importance of the 'P3 Movement' - Pro Planet People and LifeStyle for the Environment - LIFE, the PM remarked, "We will have to get away from the use-and-throw culture and move towards a lifestyle of circular economy.
· The Prime Minister underlined the importance of the Amrit Kaal which coincides with the best years of the students in the development of the country. He also stressed the importance of fulfilling one's duty. He praised the students for doing their duty in getting vaccinated.
· Lauding the skills and confidence of the students who conducted the Pariksha Pe Charcha 2022, the PM reiterated the need to develop the capability to appreciate qualities in others and learn from them. "We should have a tendency to learn instead of jealousy. This capability is important for success in life," he said.
· The PM concluded on a personal note by acknowledging the importance of PPC for him. He said that he feels 50 years younger when he is interacting with young students. "I try to learn from you by associating with your generation. As I connect with you I get the glimpse of your aspirations and dreams and try to mould my life accordingly. Therefore this programme is helping me grow. I thank you all for giving me time to help myself and grow", concluded a visibly elated Prime Minister.
(Sources: Press Information Bureau,