Localisation Of Sustainable Development Goals Gram Panchayats Adopt Nine Broad Themes
India is a signatory to the United Nations 2030 Agenda for achieving inclusive, people centric and holistic Sustainable Development through 17 identified goals. The government of India is operating with strategic visioning, prioritization and implementation methods to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with the motto of "Leave No One Behind" through "Whole of Government and Whole of Society." The SDGs are cross-cutting in nature and a particular SDG can be mapped to many ministries which can be addressed through various schemes. Keeping this aspect in view, the Ministry of Panchayati Raj has initiated thematic approach through aggregating the 17 SDGs into 9 broad themes for localization of the goals at the grass root level and their attainment through concerted and collaborative efforts of all concerned stakeholders. The initiative has been adopted recognizing the fact that the objectives of national development require the involvement of people, local governments and all stakeholders. The goals need to be translated into policies at the local level, which are relevant and applicable to the communities being served. The 9 broad themes adopted by the Panchayati Raj Institutions for achieving the SDGs 2030 are:
1. Poverty Free and Enhanced Livelihoods Village
2. Healthy Village
3. Child Friendly Village
4. Water Sufficient Village
5. Clean and Green Village
6. Self Sufficient Infrastructure in Village
7. Socially Secured Village
8. Village with Good Governance
9. Engendered Development in Village
Theme 1
Poverty Free and Enhanced Livelihoods Village
Vision: The goal envisions poverty free Panchayat that ensures there is social protection so that none slip back to poverty. A village where there is growth and prosperity with enhanced livelihoods for all.
Local Goals and Targets:
1Comprehensive coverage of all eligible beneficiaries under livelihood and social protection schemes including PDS, ICDS, etc
2 Economic development and employment generation through individual/ collective enterprises Ensuring people (poor & vulnerable) are receiving sufficient food at subsidized price all the year
3 Increase the income of farmers in engaged in agriculture
4 Ensure access to basic services (housing, water and sanitation)
5 Reduce poverty by providing wage employment under MGNREGS.
Role of Gram Panchayats:
1 Identification of people living with multiple deprivations as per SECC/MA data
2 Effective distribution of job cards Facilitate registration in PDS
3 Income generation through skill training, entrepreneurship development and employment.
4 Improvement in land productivity irrigation, better seeds, bio-fertilizers, identification of appropriate new technologies, use of KVKs
5 Strengthening SHGs by handholding training and initiate thrift credit activities and accessing bank linkages
6 Plan Convergence of GPDP funds and programs.
For implementing the goal, various committees including the Standing Committees working for Poverty Free and enhanced Livelihood and Local Committees / Krishi Vigyan Kendras/ Farmers Friends/Farmer Producer Organizations/Pashu Sakhi/Krishi Sakhi/ Self Help Groups etc have been entrusted with different roles aimed at capacity building of villages by ensuring participation for inclusive planning. The efforts of these committees will be backed up by ASHAs, health workers, doctors, Anganwadi workers, agriculture-related functionaries, literacy workers and teachers, bankers, departments and agencies, Rozgarsevaks, social activists, school management committees (SMC), private sector, non-governmental organizations and local experts
Theme 2
Healthy Village
Vision: Ensure healthy lives and wellbeing for all at all ages.
Local Goals and Targets:
1Eliminate stunting and wasting
2 Eliminate anaemia amongst adolescent girls and women
3 Low cost, highly nutritious and locally procured cereals, vegetables, fruits, eggs etc.
4 Preventive and curative measures for communicable diseases
5 Zero maternal deaths, child deaths under 5 years z Provision for medical care and health facilities for all.
Role of Gram Panchayats:
1Awareness on age at marriage and pregnancy
2 Adolescent health (Nutrition, counselling, use & safe disposal of sanitary napkins)
3 Complete immunization of mother and children
4 Prevention and treatment of communicable diseases (TB, HIV etc). Prevention and treatment of non communicable diseases / lifestyle diseases (diabetes, cancer etc)
5 Old-age care support and Nutritional to children and women
6 Issues related to mental health and disabilities
7 24x7 Helpline at Panchayats
8 Promotion and use of AYUSH.
Theme 3
Child Friendly Village
Vision: To ensure that all children are able to enjoy their rights for survival, development, participation and protection to reach their full potential.
Local Goals and Targets:
1 Ensure Healthy Children
2 100% enrolment in the school
3 Reduction in child marriage cases
4 No trafficking cases 100% child labor free
5 Ensure protected environment from all kinds of violence against children
6 Ensure equal access to education for persons with disabilities
7 Ensure quality of education through the PTAs/SMCs.
Role of Gram Panchayat:
1Ensure quality nutritious food to all children aged under five years
2 Monitor the services of the ICDS & Health Centers
3 Nutri Garden in the AWCs & schools
4 Organize health camp to monitor the stunted growth among children
5 Ensure routine immunization of children
6 Ensure inclusive and quality education
7 Ensure Safe Drinking Water and hand-washing unit in school
8 Monitor quality of Mid-Day Meal
9 Ensure protection from all violence & abuses
10 Ensure no incidences of child marriage & trafficking
11 Ensure safe and protected z Reduce the cases of child labour and track the migration Organize Bal Sabha to ensure children's participation in development activities
12 Organize Bal Sabha to ensure children's participation in development activities.
The goals under the theme will be executed by the Standing Committees working for child development, local committees working for child development, as well as other local bodies such as the Village Level Child Protection Committee / School Management Committee / Parent Teacher Association / Mother Teacher Association / Anganwadi Monitoring Committee etc.
Support will also be provided by ICDS supervisors, ASHAs, doctors, Anganwadi workers, literacy workers, teachers, health workers, Police, Child Protection officials, sports officials and associations, Self-Help Groups (SHGs) and their federations, NRLM CRPs, Rozgarsevaks, school management committee (SMC), local experts, social activists, NGOs, Community Based Organizations, etc.
Theme 4
Water Sufficient Village
Vision: A village with Functional House Tap Connections to all, with targeted standard of quality water supply, good water management and abundant water availability for agriculture and all needs, and conserving its water ecosystem.
Local Goals and Targets:
1Access to adequate clear water to all and potable water facilities
2 Access to sanitation facilities in the villages z Ensure 100% usage of HHL
3 Develop mechanism on grey water treatment & purification
4 Ensure 100% ODF.
5 Address ground water depletion, arsenic contamination, rainwater harvesting and groundwater recharge
6 Maintain ecosystem through conservation of natural resources.
Role of Gram Panchayat:
1 Educate all households on key aspects of usage and management of water and sanitation assets
2 Water Sufficient Village Ensure adequate and functional toilet facilities for boys and girls in schools and Anganwadi
3 Ensuring maintenance of toilet of public places including those in markets and Gram Panchayat premises
4 Select appropriate technology for water supply and grey water management by using technology like magic pits, kitchen gardening
5 Liaise with respective agencies for ensuring adequate water supply, potable drinking water and water analysis and measurements
6 People's committee formation and their capacity building for managing the assets existing and being created. Promoting modern agriculture and water use technologies
7 Safeguarding water bodies and monitoring water quality
8 Plan for operation and periodic maintenance of drinking water supply infrastructure.
Theme 5
Clean and Green Village
Vision: Creating a village for the future of our children, which is lush and green with nature's bounty, using renewable energy, clean, protecting environment and climate resilient.
Local Goals & Targets:
1 100 % usage of non-renewable energy z 100 % ODF
2 Ensure greenery by plantation and nursery bed
3 Reduce the use of firewood
4 Ensure access to energy to all for lighting, house hold devices, cooking, irrigation z Ensure conservation & maintenance of bio-diversity and eco-system.
Role of Panchayats:
1 Promote use of solar energy
2 Efficient distribution of electricity
3 Effective liquid and solid waste management System
4 Harnessing local water resources z Community-based management of natural resources including forests, water bodies and sacred groves
5 Planting of natural vegetation in high slope areas, barren and other common lands and alongside roads
6 Promote organic Farming and Sustainable fishing z Encourage community ponds for fisheries
7 Empower the standing committee / working committee constituted for restoration of natural conservation
8 Prohibit usage of single use plastics.
Theme 6
Self Sufficient Infrastructure in Village
Vision: To achieve Self-sufficient Infrastructure and ensure access for all to adequate, safe and affordable housing and basic services.
Local Goals and Targets:
1 Establishment of playgrounds
2 Drinking Water z
3 Toilets
4 Quality
5 Infrastructure for Schools, AWC, Health Centre, CSC
6 Ensure all weather connectivity roads, solar street lights and community solar tree
7 Ensure pucca house for all
8 Ensure proper covered drainage system.
Roles of Panchayats: Assess and plan for
1 water needs
2 solid and liquid waste being generated - (biodegradable and nonbiodegradable) and its management
3 Self-Sufficient Infrastructure Ensure functional toilets in schools, Anganwadis and public places
4 Assess the various needs of energy - for cooking, heating, lighting, irrigation, household food processing, industries, commercial establishments like shops and hotels
5 Select appropriate technology choice for WASH services
6 Assess the felt needs for infrastructure through participatory surveys
7 Form people's committees for managing the assets created
8 Educate all households on the key aspects of usage and management of water and sanitation assets
9 Identify appropriate schemes for becoming self-sufficient infrastructure villages.
Theme 7
Socially Secured Village
Vision: Every person in the village must feel cared for and all eligible must be covered by social security systems.
Local Goals and Targets:
1 Improve living standards of the BPL HHs
2 Ensure social protection schemes
3 Enrolment of children and pregnant women under ICDS
4 Providing productive employment
5 Appropriate infrastructure
6 Reduced inequalities and all forms of discrimination.
Role of Gram Panchayat:
1 Facilitate registration in PDS
2 Develop criteria for identification of the poor, destitute and vulnerable
3 Promote information about various schemes for poor and vulnerable groups
4 Monitor the services
5Strengthen Gram Sabha for ensuring responsive, inclusive and participatory representation z
6 Ensure the timely access of the services to the citizen
7 Plan rehabilitation for the differentlyabled person
8 Ensure safe & secure environment for women and girl children
9 Support rehabilitation of the victim and ensure legal action
10 Ensure inclusive and quality education
11 Ensure quality infrastructure in the schools & health centers
12 Ensure complete registration of all births
13 Ensure equal work opportunities
14 Facilitate to generate employment.
Theme 8
Village with Good Governance
Vision: Ensuring benefits of development under various schemes and responsive service delivery to all residents of GP through Good Governance.
Role of Panchayats:
1 Hub of activities for governance
2 Administrative work
3 Service delivery
4 Common Service Center
5 Colocate line departments
6 Utilization of local skilled/semi-skilled youth
7 For sharing information
8 Enhanced service delivery through ICT thereby improving quality of life
9 Organize Capacity Building z Convergence with other Scheme committees
10 Effective Delivery of Citizen Charter
11 Developing Grievance Redressal Mechanism
12 Holistic Panchayat development plan with people's participation z Covering social, economical, environmental aspects
13 Approval in Gram Sabha.
The execution of the goals under the theme will be supported by anganwadi workers, Rozgar Sevaks, literacy workers and teachers, ASHAs, village-level Social Auditor, National Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM) Community Resource Persons (CRPs), Panchayat Executive Officer, livestock workers, officials of different departments, Self-Help Groups (SHGs), Gram Panchayat Level Federations, Village Water, Sanitation & Nutrition Committee and the Panchayat Standing Committe etc.
Theme 9
Engendered Development in Villages
Vision: To achieve gender equality, provide equal opportunities, empower women and girls in a safe environment.
Local Goals and Targets:
1 Reduce crimes against women and girls
2 Ensure safety of women in all public and private spheres
3 Improve participation of women in socio-political, economic activities and participation in community-based organizations
4 Equal wages for equal pay to the women.
5 Ensure quality nutritious food to all girl children aged under five years
6 To facilitate banking service for woman
7 Reduce the maternal mortality ratio
8 Create environment for total enrolment and retention of girl children in school.
Role of Gram Panchayat:
1 Ensure Mahila Sabha are conducted in the GP
2 Encourage participation of women in Gram Sabha
3 Ensure safe and secured environment
4 Create awareness and provide better health care facilities to women and girl child
5 Ensure equal access to women in the implementation of all development programs
6 Ensure quality nutritious food to pregnant women, girl child aged under five years and adolescent girls
7 Ensure that all girls complete free, equitable and quality primary and secondary education
8 Enroll poor women in SHGs and create opportunities for economic development activities
9 Ensure equal access for all women to affordable and quality technical, vocational and tertiary education
10 Earmark adequate funds in the budget for women development
11 Ensure equal access to women in the implementation of all development programs
12 Ensuring equal wages for equal work
EN Team