One Stop Shop is the key to entrepreneurship : Aditi
Born in a small town called Garhi Malehara near Khajuraho and in a locality where women strive for an identity and have suffered for years, Aditi’s dreams took wings. It was her grandmother who encouraged her. At the age of three she was the first girl in her town to study in an English medium school some 18 kms away from her hometown. She travelled daily by the local bus and was often looked down upon as ‘characterless’ for studying in an English medium school with boys. Her early years in school changed her life. It was her class fifth results that were to define her ambition in life. Aditi shares, one of my seniors got the 1st rank and I scored 1st division. Since I was not aware of the difference between the two I went and congratulated her saying that I too had scored 1stdivision. She replied- “I scored 1st rank and you just 1stdivision, and that’s nothing.” The way she put me down, changed my life forever. Realisation followed humiliation, from there on it was a different story for Aditi chaurasiya who went on to start her own successful firm Engineer babu, a web and mobile application development services in a male dominated IT sector. Aditi chaurasiya was powered by the belief that “Anybody can do anything if his or her passion is true. Every brain has the same potential but you just need to discover and follow your passion”.
Hard work of 2.5 years paid off; finally the company’s hardworking employees get to work in a luxury environment. The EngineerBabu family got a new super awesome office. New place, new energy, new experience, new journey. Team is super excited to work hard and to secure new level soon. With the new office now the customers can get there project done in lesser time, says a proud Aditi. A few excerpts from Aditi Chaurasiya as she spoke to Employment News. .
Question: How did you get an idea for the business?
Answer: When I joined my first job during my MBA 4th semester, I started working as a social media marketing executive in a software company. In only the first few days I realized that I couldn’t work here, coz there is feeling like I am only a marketing executive not human. The people over there were considered only "Resources" where they have to come on or before time, but there is no out time. You have to wait until your report got signed from your manager. Even if you are done with your work at 7, you have to wait till 8 and even if your manager is just doing nothing in his cabin, but he will call you only whenever he feels like. This made me feel like, time is much more important than the quality of work. And I don’t want to ruin my capabilities just because of the organization. That time I decided, one day I will start my own, and my company will have the most employee friendly environment where dedication matters more than the time limits. A year later I started EngineerBabu along with my friend Mayank Pratap Singh.
Question: What was your mission at the outset?
Answer: Our Mission behind EngineerBabu is to create an organization, where everyone will work with fun, and with a family like an environment. Giving unnecessary pressure to employees always decrease their efficiency and over time it leads to huge dissatisfaction. Stretching working hours, treating them like a machine, no heart to heart bond only paper bond, all this never make anyone hugely profitable. In fact, it will cost you a person that can be an asset for your company's future. At EngineerBabu, no one ever feels working in an office.
Time-to-time we organize different activities to increase team coordination and to add a fun element at work. All this helped us a lot in employee retention and productivity. This is the reason behind the tremendous growth of EngineerBabu "A Happy Team", the second element of EngineerBabu mission is "Happy Clients". Usually, a lot of clients feel cheated; it might be coz of the lack of proper process or proper clarification about the project. At the end, both are at the Loss Company as well as clients. We decided to fill this gap, and we will deliver the project with the utmost perfection. "Happy Employees and Happy Clients" are behind the success of EngineerBabu.
Question: How many employees work in the enterprises?
Answer: There are more than 55 employees in our organisation.
Question: What services do you provide?
Answer: We provide all kinds of IT services-
-App development (Android and IOS)
-Website Development
-Software Development
-Server Administration
Q. How do you advertise your business?
Answer: Social Media and word of mouth. As EngineerBabu is a bootstrapping startup, we never had surplus funds of marketing, so we went the smart way "Social Media". We didn't invest a single penny in marketing EngineerBabu. We utilize the social media to the fullest. We have a presence in almost all the social media channels like Face book, Google+, Linked In, Dribble, Instagram, Reddit, etc. And the most effective way of marketing is "Word Of Mouth". We always focused on delivering the best and assured quality of work to our clients and stress free working environment to our team members. This worked the most in marketing EngineerBabu. A lot of portals covered our story due to our work and work culture.
Q. To what do you attribute your success?
Answer: The will and confidence to be successful someday. And of course the timely support from friends. I always wanted to do something different in my life. I always believed that I can do anything in any field. Luckily I got full support from my family in education but when I decided to for starting up my own everything changed. I got forced to quit my first startup Titliyan and also to get married on time. But I inherited "Never Give Up" attitude from my grandmother so I kept on moving in my own ways. Although I quit Titliyan, but I was very sure "One day I will start again and change the way the society thinks about girls. God supported us at all the times, and my wish that my parents feel proud of me come true this May. For more that 2.5 years I worked with only one motive, either do or die. And I don't wanna die so I did.
Q. What made you choose your current location?
Answer: Indore is the fastest growing city and I.T. hub of M.P. Apart from this we have got a lot of advantage for being in Indore. Firstly, affordable skilled human resource. We have got an amazing team working with us. EngineerBabu is a bootstrapping startup but able to afford the good team. Secondly, human resource is loyal here, if you provide them good working culture and learning environment nobody will leave you ever. Third, office setup cost is less, so that we are able to fetch the nest location in the city. Fourth, Indore has a lot of potential in terms of growth, particularly in IT sector.
Q. What is the unique about your business?
Answer: Our working strategy is our USP. There are millions of IT companies in India, but stand out coz of the way we work. Our working strategy is favorable for both "The Clients" and "The Employee" so is our tag line "EngineerBabu- Canvassing Your Dream." It is a dream work place for many and also we make our clients dream come true by developing an awesome product (App and Website). We provide open and friendly working environment for the employees and in-depth understanding and discussion of the clients projects. We provide the most appropriate and optimal IT solutions to the clients that too in reasonable budget. Because of this reason, we worked with a lot of startups and startups prefer to work with us globally.
Q. What are the responsibilities as the boss of a firm?
Answer: To keep my people happy, to create EngineerBabu presence around the globe. When you have your startup, actually it is your baby; you have to take care of it every minute, every second in all the aspects right from the receptionist to HR to Finance to marketing to operations. Right now basically I am more focused on EngineerBabu's branding and finance.
Q. what made you choose this type of business?
Answer: We always believed in making dreams come true. As I already mentioned, earlier people mock at us that we are nothing but a same IT service company with no innovation. There are millions IT company in India, there is nothing in EngineerBabu that can differentiate us from others. We felt bad, but every time whenever we delivered a project the happiness and satisfaction of our clients made us feel proud. Then we realized the worth of our work, we realized what we are doing. And making dreams come true is the best thing that anyone can do ever. And this strategy made us to work with lot of startups across globe and people recognized our efforts and published our vision too.
Q. Does your company help the community where it is located?
Answer: Yes, we worked with a lot of Indore and Indian startups. I am also heading Indore Startups Community, as my contribution to developing a startup ecosystem here in Indore. People believe in us and trust us for their work. We provide best of technical solutions to young entrepreneurs that too in their budget.
Q. If you had one piece of advice to someone just starting out, what would it be?
Answer: “Never Give Up” and “Make Relationship with the People”. People mean everyone around you clients, your team members, office peon, liftmen, people on the road, anyone. It will help you in making you a better human being, and you will always find them standing with you in your tough time.
Q. What are the two challenges you have faced in your business?
Answer: The family support and the finance (Funds). Before the inception of EngineerBabu I never went against the will of my parents. When I started working for EngineerBabu along with Mayank I tried to tell them but it couldn’t happen. Then I moved on without telling them with a vision of making EngineerBabu big and successful. I have to work this way without letting them know for 2.5 years and it was damn difficult to handle like that. But now they know and happily supporting me. And second challenge was obviously finance neither I nor Mayank was having anything is our pockets when we started EngineerBabu. We started from scratch, so managing finance was the tough. We are lucky to have good friends and at the same time I and Mayank is a good team with complementing skills. SO we took decisions with maturity and spend every penny with utmost care.
Q.What do you feel about the sustainability of start-ups in India?
Answer: Indian startup ecosystem is growing but to blossom, lot of work need to be done towards awareness in society. Because in the lack of societal awareness, entrepreneurs always are in pressure either to quit or be successful anyhow. He/she doesn’t have the luxury of trials, which results in the lack of innovation and we end up copying ideas from west. And our government policies and banking norms are also need to be easy and accessible. They should be supportive of entrepreneurs. Even now entrepreneurs are not able to take advantage of government policies and Banking norms are so strict that many good ideas die at the very early stage.
Amit Tyagi