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In-Depth Jobs

Issue no 05, 04 - 10 May 2024

Exploring Career Paths in Mechatronics

Dali Agrahari

Mechatronics, a multidisciplinary field encompassing mechanical engineering, electronics, computer science, and robotics, presents a world of opportunities for those interested in cutting-edge technology. At a time when technological advancements are rapidly reshaping industries, a career in mechatronics offers a promising trajectory. Let's delve into what a degree in mechatronics entails and the plethora of career avenues it opens up.

Understanding Mechatronics

The term "mechatronics" itself is a blend of "mechanics" and "electronics." Essentially, it involves the integration of mechanical components with electronics, software, and control systems to design and create intelligent systems and products.

In mechatronics, engineers work with a wide range of technologies, including sensors, actuators, microcontrollers, and programming languages, to develop systems that can sense, process, and respond to information. These systems often involve automation and robotics, where machines are equipped with sensors to gather data from their environment and controllers to make decisions or take actions based on that data.

Mechatronics encompasses three primary areas of focus:

(i) automation of machinery to enhance production efficiency, (ii) development of intelligent products tailored to consumer needs, and (iii) integration of electronic and mechanical elements for seamless operation.

In practical industrial settings, significant applications include automated welding and mechanical cutting processes carried out by large-scale robots within the automotive sector. Additionally, collaborative robots, aptly named for their cooperative role alongside human operators, play a vital role in various tasks across industries including manufacturing, auto-motive, aerospace, healthcare, and consumer electronics. Some common examples of mechatronic systems include industrial robots used in manufacturing plants, Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) in warehouses, smart appliances in homes, and medical devices in hospitals.

In essence, mechatronics is about creating intelligent and efficient systems that seamlessly integrate mechanical and electronic components to per-form specific tasks or functions. This interdisciplinary approach allows engineers to tackle complex problems and design innovative solutions that imp-rove efficiency, productivity, and overall performance in various domains.

Are Mechatronics and Robotics the Same Thing?

Mechatronics and robotics, while related, are distinct fields within engineering. Mechatronics is an interdisciplinary field that integrates mechanical, electrical, and computer engineering principles to develop intelligent systems. On the other hand, robotics is a specialised branch of engineering focused on designing and constructing robots to perform tasks autonomously or semi-autonomously.

In essence, robotics aims to create machines capable of replacing human labour across various industries, whereas mechatronics focuses on developing intelligent systems that complement and enhance human capabilities.

To clarify, robotics primarily deals with the design and construction of robots, while mechatronics is responsible for the control and operation of these robots. While all robots incorporate mechatronic components, not all systems employing mechatronics are classified as robots.

Hence, while closely related, mechatronics and robotics serve distinct purposes within the realm of engineering. Mechatronics facilitates the development of intelligent systems, while robotics specialises in creating autonomous or semi-autonomous machines. Therefore, it's accurate to state that mecha-tronics are not synonymous with robots, although they often intersect in their applications and development.

How to Become a Mechatronics Engineer?

Mechatronics engineers engage in a myriad of tasks, including: (i) Designing and developing robotic systems for industrial automation. (ii) Collaborating with engineering teams to innovate products and build prototypes. (iii) Managing and optimising electrical and mechanical systems for efficiency. (iv) Testing and installing new equipment, ensuring seamless integration into existing systems.

A degree in mechatronics opens doors to a plethora of exciting career paths, including but not limited to:

·       Robotics Engineer/ Technician: Designing and implementing robotic solutions for industrial automation and research.

·       Automation Engineer: Developing and optimising auto-mated systems for increased efficiency and precision.

·       Electronics Design Engineer: Designing electronic circuits and components for mechatronic systems.

·       Data Scientist/ Big Data Analyst: Analysing and interpreting data generated by smart technologies for informed decision-making.

·       Renewable Energy Specialist: Contributing to the development and maintenance of sustainable energy solutions such as solar and wind power systems.

·       Telecommunications Technician: Installing and maintaining telecommunications infrastructure, including mobile networks and fiber-optic cables.

·       Biomedical Engineering Technician: Designing and maintaining medical devices and equipment for healthcare applications.

·       Logistics Technician: Managing complex transportation and logistics processes using mechatronic solutions.

A flourishing career in mechatronics engineering hinges upon the mastery of essential skills. Aspiring students must diligently cultivate these proficiencies before embarking on their journey into the industry.

Familiarity with Fundamental Engineering Concepts: Mechatronics engineering resides at the crossroads of various engineering disciplines. Thus, a foundational understanding of fundamental engineering principles is imperative. This comprehension is typically cultivated through undergraduate studies in mechatronics engineering or related fields.

Knowledge of Disciplines Under Mechatronics Engineering: Mechatronics engineering amalgamates principles from computer, electrical, and mechanical engineering. Proficiency in each of these domains is essential for conceptualising, designing, and troubleshooting mechatronic systems. This expertise can be acquired through specialised coursework or self-directed learning, supplemented by online resources and courses tailored to specific mechatronic concepts.

Mathematical Skills: Mathematics serves as the language of engineering, playing a pivotal role in modeling, analysing, and optimising mechatronic systems. Proficiency in advanced mathematical concepts such as differential equations and linear algebra is indispensable for tackling the intricate challenges encountered in this field. These skills are honed through rigorous coursework and practical applications during academic pursuits.

Programming Skills: Given the increasingly digital nature of modern engineering, proficiency in programming is essential for mechatronics engineers. Competence in languages like Python, C, or C++ facilitates the development of software components integral to automation and control systems. Proficiency in programming can be acquired through formal education, online tutorials, and hands-on projects.

Presentation Skills: Effective communication of ideas and solutions is paramount for mechatronics engineers. Utilising presentation tools and techniques, they convey complex technical concepts to diverse stakeholders, ranging from fellow engineers to non-technical decision-makers. Developing polished presentation skills requires practice and leveraging resources that enhance the clarity and persuasiveness of communication.

Communication Skills: Mechatronics engineers often serve as intermediaries between technical and non-technical stake-holders. Clear and concise communication is vital for articulating project requirements, progress, and outcomes to diverse audiences. Cultivating strong communication skills enables engineers to bridge knowledge gaps and foster collaborative relationships within interdisciplinary teams.

Problem-Solving Skills: In the dynamic landscape of mechatronics engineering, encountering and surmounting challenges is inevitable. Mechatronics engineers must possess robust problem-solving abilities to identify, analyse, and resolve issues efficiently. Employers highly value these skills, as they demonstrate adaptability, creativity, and resourcefulness in overcoming obstacles encountered during project development and implementation. Continuously refining problem-solving skills through practical experience and professional development enhances engineers' effectiveness in addressing complex engineering problems.

Courses and Syllabus




Applied Science

Using scientific knowledge practically, like in medicine and biology.


Engineering Drawing

Creating technical drawings for components and machines.


Analog Electronics

Handling signals that change over time, essential in radio and audio equipment.


Industrial Electronics

Using electronics to increase efficiency and production in industries.



Designing and using robots to assist in various tasks.


Industrial Automation

Learning about automation technologies for modern industries.






Technical English

Learning language skills tailored to specific professions.


Process Automation

Using software tools to automate workflows and improve efficiency.


Basics of Communication Engineering

Understanding communication system theory and practice.

Bachelor's Degree: A 4-year course, known as Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech.) in Mechatronics Engineering, combines mechanics, electronics, controls, and computers to create innovative products.

·       Master's Degree: A 2-year course, known as Master of Technology (M.Tech.) in Mechatronics, covers topics like Industrial Management, Mechatronic Systems, Wire-less Communications, and more.

The syllabus of Mechatronics Engineering may vary from one university to the other, but the subjects are more or less the same. Here is a general overview of the core or elective subjects taught during the four years in B.Tech. Mechatronics Engineering:

Entrance Exams

If you're eager to pursue a career in Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech.) Mechatronics Engineering, there are four main entrance exams to consider. These exams are open to candidates who have completed or are currently studying in the 10+2 programme. They aim to assess your problem-solving abilities, logical reasoning, and understanding of engineering-related subjects.

JEE Mains and Advanced: These national-level exams are renowned for admission to the top engineering colleges in India. Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) Mains covers various subjects including Mathematical Reasoning, Statistics, Electro-magnetic (EM) Waves, and Communication. JEE Advanced is more challenging and requires a deep understanding of concepts like calculus, Kirchoff's Law, and Biomolecules.

MU OET: Manipal University Online Entrance Test (MU OET) is slightly easier than JEE Mains but still demands good preparation and speed. Candidates need to score at least 50% to pass. Being familiar with the 10+2 syllabus is crucial for success.

GATA: GD Goenka Aptitude Test for Admission (GATA) is conducted by GD Goenka University. This exam assesses candidates' logical and analytical skills and is followed by a personal interview. The exam is held online multiple times a year.

UPESEAT: University of Petroleum and Energy Studies Engineering Aptitude Test (UPESEAT) is held once a year online. It focuses on basic skills learned in 10+2 classes, along with English and Current Affairs. It's similar in syllabus to JEE Mains but is specific to engineering aspirants.

The Indian job market is witnessing a surge in demand for mechatronics engineers, driven by the country's burgeoning tech sector and the need for automation in manufacturing and service industries. Businesses are increasingly investing in intelligent systems and robotics to enhance productivity and competitiveness. Consequently, mechatronics graduates find themselves in high demand across diverse fields such as manufacturing, telecommunications, agriculture, healthcare, renewable energy, transpor-tation, and defence.

In India, the salaries for mechatronics professionals vary depending on factors such as experience, industry, and location. However, with the country's growing emphasis on innovation and technology adoption, mechatronics graduates can expect competitive remuneration and ample opportunities for career growth. Starting salaries for mechatronics roles in India typically range from Rs 3 to 15 lakhs per annum, with experienced professionals commanding higher pay scales.


Top 10 Institutions Offering Mechatronics Engineering Courses


IIT Madras (Indian Institute of Technology Madras)


IIT Delhi (Indian Institute of Technology Delhi)


IIT Bombay (Indian Institute of  Technology Bombay)

IIT Kharagpur (Indian Institute  of Technology Kharagpur)


IIT Hyderabad (Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad)


NIT Surathkal (National Institute of Technology Surathkal)


VIT Vellore (Vellore Institute of  Technology)


MIT Manipal (Manipal Institute of Technology)

BITS Pilani (Birla Institute of  Technology and Science)

SRM University (SRM Institute of Science and Technology)



Popular Applications of Mechatronics

Manufacturing and Robotics: Mechatronics plays a crucial role in modern manufacturing processes, where robotic systems are employed for tasks such as assembly, welding, material handling, and quality control. These systems rely on sensors, actuators, and control algorithms to automate tasks and improve efficiency.

Automotive Industry: Mechatronics is integral to the automotive sector, where it is used in various applications such as engine control systems, anti-lock braking systems (ABS), vehicle stability control (VSC), adaptive cruise control, and advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS).

Aerospace and Defence: In aerospace and defence applications, mechatronics is used in the design and operation of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), guided missiles, navigation systems, aircraft control systems, and surveillance equipment.

Biomedical Engineering: Mechatronics finds extensive use in healthcare technologies, including medical imaging devices (such as MRI and CT scanners), robotic surgery systems, prosthetics, exoskeletons, drug delivery systems, and wearable health monitoring devices.

Consumer Electronics: Mechatronics is prevalent in consumer electronics, with applications in products like smartphones, digital cameras, gaming consoles, home appliances (such as washing machines and dishwashers), and personal gadgets (such as fitness trackers and smart-watches).

Energy Systems: Mechatronics contributes to the optimisation and control of energy systems, including renewable energy technologies (such as wind turbines and solar panels), smart grids, energy storage systems, and power distribution networks.

Transportation and Logistics: Mechatronics plays a crucial role in transportation and logistics, where it is used in Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs), autonomous drones for delivery, Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), traffic management systems, and vehicle telematics.

Environmental Monitoring and Control: Mechatronics is utilised in environmental monitoring and control systems, including weather monitoring stations, pollution monitoring devices, automated irrigation systems, and smart buildings with energy-efficient HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) systems.

Entertainment and Gaming: Mechatronics is employed in the entertainment industry for creating immersive experiences, including theme park rides, simulators, Virtual Reality (VR) systems, motion capture technology, and interactive gaming devices.

Education and Research: Mechatronics serves as a fundamental field of study and research, providing insights into the integration of mechanical, electrical, and computer systems. It is also used in edu-cational settings to teach students about robotics, automation, control systems, and interdisciplinary engineering principles.

These application fields demonstrate the versatility and importance of mechatronics in addressing complex engineering challenges and driving innovation across various industries.

With its blend of creativity, innovation, and problem-solving, a career in mechatronics promises not just a job but a rewarding journey of discovery and impact in the ever-evolving landscape of engineering. So, seize the opportunity, embark on this exciting journey, and become part of the next generation of visionary engineers shaping the future with mechatronics.

(The author is NEET/JEE Coach. Feedback on this article can be sent to

Views expressed are personal.