Right to Information Act, 2005 came into effect on 12th October, 2005. RTI Act, 2005 has been enacted with a view to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority in public life.
Under the Act, the public authority is obliged to provide the information about its organisation’s aims, objectives, policies and programmes.
Right to Information Act 2005 mandates timely response to citizen requests for government information. Employment News, (Publications Division), Ministry of
Information & Broadcasting has designated the following officers to act as Central Public Information Officer and the Appellate Authority respectively.
Shri Deepak Negi , Deputy Director
Employment News,
Publications Division,
Ministry of Information & Broadcasting,
Govt of india,VII Floor,
Soochna Bhavan, C.G.O. Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003
Conatct No: 011-24369442
Person who seeks information from Employment News may write to the Central Public Information Officer (CPIO) as per the procedure laid out in the RTI, Act 2005.
In case, the applicant does not find the reply of Central Public Information Officer (CPIO) satisfactory, they may appeal to the Appellate Authority.