Inspire Creativity and Instill Passion & Optimism
Youth4Work is a platform where individuals showcase their talent and skills, and are then tested and scored vis-à-vis thousands of others. These pre-assessed profiles are then made available to companies for engaging and communicating about their brand or hiring more efficiently and quickly. The platform also helps companies engage people with specific skill sets. Youth4work’s technology also enables colleges to assess students multiple times in a year and chart out one’s performance in comparison with other students.
In 2014, the firm raised $500,000 bridge capital from a group of investors including angel investors Sanjay Bansal, Dan Sandhu, Aurum Equity Partners LLP and GAP investments. With the advent of initiatives like ‘Digital India’ and ‘Make in India’, the present government has made it quite clear that IT sector will play an important role in the development of India. The ‘Make in India’ campaign is giving a push to the already aspiring entrepreneurs and technology driven startups, said Youth 4 work head Rachit Jain. Jain told Employment News about his journey of entrepreneurship, The following are the excerpts of the interview:
Question : How did you get idea for the business?
Answer: After completing my BTech I took a job with Mahindra & Mahindra in Mumbai. I was doing stupendously good and growing in the career graph at a rapid pace. But then I wanted to start something on my own, do something which nobody is doing and my product should help people across ages. I started JAGbros. I wanted to replicate the idea of display ads on yellow-black taxis of Mumbai like private radio taxis. But due to legal concerns the idea could not be materialized. But while setting up the process, I realized hiring is very difficult especially the right talent. So I ventured into this virgin market, and called it ‘Youth4work’.
Question :What was your mission at the outset?
Answer: I started with an aim to help the right talent get the right opportunity. And I never got deviated from my mission in spite of the challenges.
Our Mission Statements:
Be the Human Technology that proactively assists people in their professional understanding & journey in a transparent & intelligent way.
Inspire Creativity and Instill Passion & Optimism in Individuals.
Help organizations tap the true potential inside youth in India, with the effective talent matching.
Question :How many employees work in the enterprises?
Answer: We are a small but strong team of 32 passionate and dynamic members
Question : What services do you provide?
Answer: Our services offered can broadly be categorized under:
*Online education- Youth4work platform offer Online Certificate Courses.
*Prep Tests- Youth4work platform offer competitive exams for both academic and job.
*Talent acquisition- Youth4work platform helps Employers find the right talent.
Question :How do you advertise your business?
Ans. We don’t deal in the products where routine TVC/ marketing strategy works. Our offerings focus on our users. The better our offerings & technology, the more satisfied are our users. Thus the biggest marketing tool for Youth4work has been ‘Word of Mouth’.
Question :To what do you attribute your success?
Answer: ‘Persistence’ is the key contributor to our Success. Next contributor is our unique services and offerings
Question :What made you choose your current location?
Answer: I’m a Delhiite and the only son in my family. Though Mumbai is called land of opportunities, but I wanted to prove my Delhi also equally potential. This way I was able to come closer to my family and fulfill my dreams.
Question :What is the unique about your business?
Answer: Uniqueness of Youth4work lies in its offerings. We are the only platform that starts the support right from the finding of college/ institute to getting the dream job. is a ‘People Platform’ which empowers youth to assess themselves, improve their talents and showcase themselves for their talents and professional achievement.
Answer: We call what we are building ‘Human Tech’ which gathers intelligence and deep insights on each and every member of Youth4work.
Question :What are the responsibilities as the head of a firm?
Answer: As a boss of a startup there are many responsibilities on my shoulder. I have to: Give profit, to my shareholders Help my team members to Grow Help our platform users with skill development and assessment
Question :Does your company help the community where it is located?
Answer: We are aiming to help people across the country. We provide freebies to the needies or upgrade their candidature free of cost.
Question : if you had one piece of advice to someone just starting out, what would it be?
Answer: Don’t get driven by the fancy world, and the sex appeal of becoming the founder of a start-up. It’s a long journey where the goal should be to make a difference. Believe in yourself. Instead of Money, your product and services should be the prime focus.
Becoming a CEO gets you a fancy title, but don’t forget that in the start-up you should be good at Multi tasking.
Question : What challenges did you face in your business?
Answer: As mentioned earlier, in my first start up venture, hiring was a big challenge which led me to start Youth4work. Next challenge is, making your team work with passion.
If you are able to hire the right talent and are able to keep their interest intact in the job, then there is no stopping. The magic happens only if you fill in right people at the right places and give them the reason to perform.
Question :What do you feel about the sustainability of start ups in India?
Answer: The terms start up and entrepreneurs are very fancy, which has lot of pulling attraction. But not all are able to sail across. Unfortunately people enter this world without clear vision and understanding of the kind of responsibilities it comes with. Start ups have been projected as the fancy world, but the truth is a complete contrast. One needs to have a vision, persistence, patience, belief in oneself, and team leader qualities.
There is a bright future for start-ups provided the concept is unique. But there is a statutory warning attached that life of an entrepreneur is not like a ‘bed of roses’.
-Amit Tyagi